100 Things Every College Freshman Ought to Know
100 Things is an abridged adult college orientation guidebook written from an adult students's persective about how knowing what to expect in college will reduce anxious,overwhelming,and frustrating feelings associated with the start of college.
Price: 2 for 1 special- Call for Details
100 Things is an abridged international student orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice and valuable web links for improving success as a college student in the USA.
100 Things is an abridged online student orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice,and valuable web links for improving success in online learning.
100 Things is an abridged college orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice,and valuable web links for improving success for college-bound and college students with disabilities.
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