100 Things Every Student with a Disability Ought to Know
Item Number: 0935-637-37-0
* Whole number only
Quantity Discounts
Quantity | Amount |
50 to 99 | $12.01 |
100 to 199 | $11.25 |
200 to 499 | $10.64 |
500 to 999 | $9.81 |
1000 to 5000 | $9.06 |
100 Things Every College Student With a Disability Ought to Know by Kendra D. Johnson, Ed. D. and Trudie N. Hines 100 Things is an abridged college orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice, and valuable web links for improving success for college-bound and college students with disabilities. It focuses on how knowing what to expect in the transition to college can reduce the sometimes anxious and frustrating feelings associated with learning at this next educational level. Dr. Kendra Johnson and Trudie Hines combined their diverse knowledge and experience with hundreds of suggestions from students with disabilities to create an easy-to-read and use problem-solving guide that puts key information within direct reach of students. Their short, single paragraph descriptions of common problems and solutions in learning are further enhanced by a myriad of valuable web links. These afford students a seemingly endless supply of further information and assistance for independently discovering solutions to practically any problem they face. This provides a desk-top reference and navigational guide that gives a quick, solution oriented overview about the WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN, and WHAT-IFs students with disabilities need to know to better adjust for success from the first day forward.
100 Things is an abridged college orientation guidebook written from a student's perspective about how knowing what to expect in college can reduce the overwhelming, frustrating,and anxious feelings.
100 Things is an abridged adult college orientation guidebook written from an adult students's persective about how knowing what to expect in college will reduce anxious,overwhelming,and frustrating feelings associated with the start of college.
Price: 2 for 1 special- Call for Details
100 Things is an abridged international student orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice and valuable web links for improving success as a college student in the USA.
100 Things is an abridged online student orientation guidebook written from the students’ perspective that gives tips, suggestions, consumer-friendly advice,and valuable web links for improving success in online learning.
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